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Product Code M2106A10
Price $676 ex. VAT

Low Price, High Purity Black Phosphorus Crystals

Available by weight or size for a wide range of applications

Overview | Product Information | MSDS | Related Products

Black phosphorus crystals (CAS number 7723-14-0) can be used to produce single or few-layer phosphorene sheets via mechanical or liquid exfoliation.

Superior to transition metal dichalcogenides, the bandgap of black phosphorus can be tuned with the number of layers but remains direct regardless of the film thickness. The sensitivity of black phosphorus ultrathin structures to the incident light opens the door for ultra-fast photodetectors from ultra-violet to near infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

High purity ‎7723-14-0

High Purity

High purity ≥99.995% black phosphorus crystals

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Low Cost Black Phosphorus

Low Cost

Low cost black phosphorus

Versatile Black Phosphorus


From gas sensors to next generation batteries

Black Phosphorus Bulk Crystal

Available as bulk crystal in different sizes and in high purity, black phosphorus crystal is ideal for mechanical exfoliation to obtain multilayer to single layer two dimensional nanosheets or nanoparticles in application of transistors, optoelectronics, sensors, batteries and catalysis.

Technical Data

CAS Number 7723-14-0
Chemical Formula P
Molecular Weight 30.97 g/mol
Bandgap 0.3 eV ~ 1.5 eV
Synthesis Synthetic, by chemical vapour transport
Structure Orthorhombic C
Electronic Properties 2D semiconductor
Melting Point 416 °C
Colour Black
Form Individual crystals
Purity ≥99.995%

MSDS Documentation

Black phosphorus cyrstal MSDSBlack phosphorus bulk crystal

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