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Product Code M801-100mg
Price $338 ex. VAT

Ir(dmpq)2(acac), highly efficient red phosphorescent emitter

A dopant material for OLEDs and available online for priority dispatch

Bis(2-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)quinoline-C2,N')(acetylacetonato)iridium(III), also known as Ir(dmpq)2(acac), is a highly efficient red phosphorescent emitter that is employed as a dopant material in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).

Compared with Ir(phq)2acac, Ir(dmpq)2(acac) has a higher quantum efficiency. The dmpq ligand is methylated version of the phq (2-phenylquinoline) ligand, with methyl substitutions on the phenyl group. It is believed that the higher efficiency is a result of this methylation of the phq ligand.

General Information

CAS number 1056874-46-4
Chemical formula C39H35IrN2O2
Molecular weight 755.94 g/mol
Absorption* λmax 434 nm (in CH2Cl2) [1]
Fluorescence λem 594 nm (in CH2Cl2)
HOMO/LUMO HOMO = 5.31 eV, LUMO = 3.26 eV [2]
  • Bis(2-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)quinoline-C2,N')(acetylacetonato)iridium(III)
  • Ir(mpq)2(acac)
  • Ir(mphq)2(acac)
Classification / Family Red dopant material, Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs), Organic electronics

* Measurable with an optical spectrometer

Product Details

Purity >99.5% (sublimed*)
Melting point n/a
Appearance Dark-red powder/crystals

* Sublimation is a technique used to obtain ultra pure-grade chemicals, see sublimed materials.

Chemical Structure

Chemical structure of Ir(dmpq)2(acac)
Chemical Structure of Bis(2-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)quinoline-C2,N')(acetylacetonato)iridium(III)

Device Structure(s)

Device structure ITO/DNTPD (40 nm)/Bebq2:Ir(dmpq)2(acac) (3%, 30 nm)/Bebq2 (20 nm)/LiF (0.5 nm)/Al (100 nm) [1]
Colour Red red light emitting device
Max. Current Efficiency 20.3 cd/A
Max. Power Efficiency 23.9 lm W−1
Device structure ITO (150 nm)/TAPC(20 nm)/ TCTA (10 nm)/ TCTA:B3PYMPM* :Ir(ppy)2(acac):Ir(mphq)2(acac) (30 nm, 8 wt%, 0.5 wt%)/ B3PYMPM (45 nm)/ LiF (0.7 nm)/Al (100 nm) [2]
Colour Orange orange light emitting device
Max. EQE 25.4%
Max. Power Efficiency 49.5 lm W−1
Device structure ITO (150 nm)/TAPC (20 nm)/TCTA (10 nm)/TCTA:B3PYMPM* :Ir(dmpq)2(acac) (5 nm, 3 wt%)/TCTA:B3PYMPM:Ir(ppy)2(acac) (25 nm, 8 wt%)/B3PYMPM (45 nm)/LiF (0.7 nm)/Al (100 nm) [3]
Colour Orange orange light emitting device
Max. EQE 22.8%
Max. Power Efficiency 70.1 lm W−1
Device structure p-PI (2 mm)/ITO (120 nm)/MoO3 (5nm)/TAPC (50 nm)/TCTA:Ir(dmpq)2(acac) (10 wt%, 6 nm)/TCTA (2 nm)/TCTA:FIrpic (20 wt%, 4 nm)/TPBi (2 nm)/TPBi:Ir(ppy)3 (8 wt% 6 nm)/TPBi (75 nm)/LiF/Al [4]
Colour White white light emitting device
EQE@ 3 mA/cm2 19.0%
Power Efficiency@ 100 cd/m2 32.1 lm W−1
Device structure ITO (100 nm)/TAPC (75 nm)/NPB (10 nm)/NPB:B3PYMPM:Ir(mphq)2acac (30 nm, 3.5 mol%)/ B3PYMPM (10 nm)/B3PYMPM:Rb2CO3 (45 nm, 2 wt%)/Al (100 nm)
Colour Red red light emitting device
Max. EQE 27.6%

*For chemical structure information, please refer to the cited references.


HPLC trace Ir(dmpq)2(acac)
Bis(2-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)quinoline-C2,N')(acetylacetonato)iridium(III), Ir(dmpq)2(acac).


Grade Order Code Quantity Price
Sublimed (>99.5% purity) M801 100 mg £260
Sublimed (>99.5% purity) M801 250 mg £520
Sublimed (>99.5% purity) M801 500 mg £950
Sublimed (>99.5% purity) M801 1 g £1600

MSDS Documentation

Ir(dmpq)2(acac) MSDSIr(dmpq)2(acac) MSDS sheet

Literature and Reviews

  1. Highly Efficient Red Phosphorescent Dopants in Organic Light-Emitting Devices, D. Kim et al., Adv. Mater., 23, 2721–2726 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/adma.201100405.
  2. Low Roll-Off and High Effi ciency Orange Organic Light Emitting Diodes with Controlled Co-Doping of Green and Red Phosphorescent Dopants in an Exciplex Forming Co-Host, S. Lee et al., Adv. Funct. Mater., 23, 4105–4110 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201300187.
  3. High efficiency and non-color-changing orange organic light emitting diodes with red and green emitting layers, S. Lee et al., Org. electronics, Organic 14, 1856–1860 (2013);

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