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Product Code M2090A1-100mg
Price $390 ex. VAT

DMAC-BP, green TADF emitter

High-purity and available online for priority dispatch, Bis[4-(9,9-dimethyl-9,10-dihydroacridine)phenyl]methanone, CAS No. 1685287-55-1, Sublimed  ≥99.0%

DMAC-BP, bis[4-(9,9-dimethyl-9,10-dihydroacridine)phenyl]methanone is better known as a green Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) emitter.

Due to the short conjugation length of the DMAC and BP group, a higher energy of the lowest locally-excited triplet state (3LE) is achieved. This energy is almost equal to that of the triplet charge-transfer state (3CT). The difference of the lowest singlet and triplet excited states ΔEST is 0.07 eV [2].

TPBi from Ossila was used in a high-impact paper (IF 15.88)

DMAC-BP from Ossila was used in the high-impact paper (IF 29.4), Single-Layer Organic Light-Emitting Diode with Trap-Free Host Beats Power Efficiency and Lifetime of Multilayer Devices,O. Sachnik et al., Adv. Mater., 36 (16), 2311892 (2024); DOI: 10.1002/adma.202311892.


Compared to mCP-doped films, neat films of DMAC–BP have a slightly red-shifted emission band with a maximum of 506 nm, a slightly lower photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of 0.85, and TADF lifetime of 2.7 μs.

General Information

CAS number 1685287-55-1
Chemical formula C43H36N2O
Molecular weight 596.76 g/mol
Absorption n/a
Fluorescence λem 506 nm (in film)
HOMO/LUMO HOMO = -5.8 eV, LUMO = -3.1 [1]
Synonyms Bis[4-(9,9-dimethyl-9,10-dihydroacridine)phenyl]methanone
Classification / Family Electron transport layer (ETL) materials, Solution-processed OLED materials, TADF green emitter materials, PHOLEDs, Sublimed materials

Product Details

Purity >99.0% (sublimed)
Melting Point TGA Td = 410 oC (5% weight loss)
Appearance Light yellow powder/crystals

*Sublimation is a technique used to obtain ultra pure-grade chemicals. For more details about sublimation, please refer to the Sublimed Materials.

Chemical Structure

dmac-bp, 1685287-55-1
Chemical structure of Bis[4-(9,9-dimethyl-9,10-dihydroacridine)phenyl]methanone (DMAC-BP), CAS 1685287-55-1

Device Structure(s)

Device structure ITO/HATCN (5 nm)/NPB (40 nm)/TCTA (10 nm)/DMAC-BP:DMIC-TRZ (30 nm)/B3PyMPM (40 nm)/LiF (1 nm)/Al (150 nm) [1]
Colour Green green light emitting device
Max. Power Efficiency 52.9 lm W−1
Max. EQE 21%
Device structure ITO/HATCN (5 nm)/NPB (40 nm)/TCTA (10 nm)/DMAC-BP:26DCzPPy (30 nm)/B3PyMPM (40 nm)/LiF (1 nm)/Al (150 nm) [1]
Colour Green green light emitting device
>Max. Power Efficiency 38.4 lm W−1
Max. EQE 19%
Device structure ITO/MoO3 (1 nm)/DMAC-BP (60 nm)/TPBi (60 nm)/LiF (1 nm)/Al [2]
Colour Green green light emitting device
Max. Luminance 51,100 cd/m2
Power Efficiency@100 cd/m2 25 lm W−1
Max. EQE 10.6%
Device structure ITO/MoO3 (1 nm)/mCP (40 nm)/DMAC-BP (30 nm)/TPBi (50 nm)/LiF (1 nm)/Al [2]
Colour Green green light emitting device
Max. Luminance 45,300 cd/m2
Power Efficiency@100 cd/m2 59 lm W−1
Max. EQE 18.9%


Grade Order Code Quantity Price
Sublimed (>99.0% purity) M2090A1 100 mg £300
Sublimed (>99.0% purity) M2090A1 250 mg £600
Sublimed (>99.0% purity) M2090A1 500 mg £1050

MSDS Documentation


Literature and Reviews

  1. Highly Efficient Full-Color Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: Extremely Low Efficiency Roll-Off Utilizing a Host with Small Singlet–Triplet Splitting, D. Zhang et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (5), 4769–4777 (2017); DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b15272.
  2. Nearly 100% Internal Quantum Effi ciency in Undoped Electroluminescent Devices Employing Pure Organic Emitters, Q, Zhang et al., Adv. Mater., 27, 2096–2100 (2015); DOI: 10.1002/adma.201405474.
  3. Undoped highly efficient green and white TADF-OLEDs developed by DMAC-BP: manufacturing available via interface engineering, X. Jiang et al., J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2020). DOI: 0.1007/s10854-020-04450-z.

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