How To Write A Research Paper

Writing a research paper is a crucial skill for any academic researcher, but knowing where to start can be challenging.
A research paper involves analysis, interpretation, and a well-formed argument derived from independent research. Unlike other academic essays, research papers tend to be shorter and address a very specific set of experiments or events. The point of a research paper is to convey the results of an investigation as directly as possible. This involves being incredibly specific and concise.
To write a good research paper, you need to show a strong understanding of the topic, use various sources, and offer an original perspective to the discourse. Research usually consist of several distinct section: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.
Writing An Abstract For A Research Paper
An abstract is a concise summary of the paper that is displayed before the research paper. This allows readers to determine if they wish to delve further into the full article. Structured with an introduction, body, and conclusion, abstracts present the purpose, results and conclusions without introducing new information.
This may sound strange, but the abstract is usually the last thing written. You will best describe the paper after thoroughly reviewing the final article, identifying its main components: background, aim, approach, results, and conclusions. It is crucial to ensure that all information included in the abstract is also covered in the body of the paper, and that the abstract effectively captures the essential information of the paper.
Common pitfalls to avoid when writing an abstract include
- Using the first paragraph of the introduction as the abstract
- Citing sources within the abstract
- Referencing figures or table from the body of the paper
Instead, abstracts should focus on providing a clear and concise overview of the research paper’s key elements.
Writing A Research Paper Introduction
In the introduction of your paper, you briefly explain why you’re writing it, providing enough background for readers to understand your experiment and its purpose. Your goals in this section are to:
- Outline the problem and your proposed solution
- Describe the nature and scope of the problem
- Review relevant literature
- Explain your experimental method
- Summarize your main results.
When writing a reasearch paper introduction, it is crucial to cite sources to support your claims and to show the significance of your work within the field. Additionally, you should highlight any gaps in existing research, pose research questions, or challenge prior work. Clearly state the purpose of your research and what makes it unique and important. Avoid repeating information from the abstract, including unnecessary background details, overstating the importance of your work, or claiming novelty without proper support from existing literature.
Writing Methods For A Research Paper
The purpose of this section is to provide adequate detail so that other researchers could replicate the experiment. Many readers might skip this section due to their general knowledge of the methods outlined in the Introduction. However, others may go straight to this section, especially if they want to conduct similar experiments. Therfore providing experimental or analysis details is crucial to prove the scientific merit of your results.
In a methods section, you should include:
- Precise technical specifications
- Quantities and Concentration of materails used, including where they are sourced from
- Preparations methods
- Descriptions of equipment used in a chronological order.
It’s best to keep it focused, avoid putting results here, and leave out any extra information that doesn’t help the readers to understand your experiment.
Writing Your Results In A Research Paper
The results section is the heart of your paper, so it’s essential to start by summarizing your experiments and then presenting your findings. Here are the goals you should aim for:
- Stick to factual statements supported by evidence
- Keep things concise without unnecessary words
- Avoid repeating the same data over and over
- Only discuss variables if they had a noticeable effect
- Use statistics that make sense
- Avoid redundancy by not repeating information already in tables or captions.
- Present your results logically using tables and graphs where needed.
After presenting the results, explain their significance in relation to the research questions posed in the introduction. Make sure not to present results that you never discuss or to present them in a chronological rather than a logical order, and don’t overlook results that contradict your conclusions. Save any evaluation of the results for the discussion section. Each figure or table you include should be referred to in the text and they should only be used if they offer a clear visual representation.
Writing A Research Paper Discussion
The discussion section is often the most challenging to write because you need to convey the true significance of your data without being overly lengthy. Avoid using words to hide factors or reasoning and remember that this section is not for repeating results but for interpreting them. Remember to present the principles, relationships, and generalizations revealed by your results, and address any exceptions or lack of correlations and explain why they occurred. It is important to compare your results to previous studies to determine agreement or disagreement, discussing both the theoretical implications and practical applications of your work.
Typically, the discussion progresses through stages such as summarizing the results, discussing whether they were expected or unexpected, comparing them to previous work, interpreting and explaining them, and hypothesizing about their generalizability. Be sure to address any problems or shortcomings encountered during your work and consider alternative explanations for the results. Please ensure that any results presented are thoroughly discussed, avoiding any that are left unaddressed. Keep discussions focused on topics relevant to the results at hand, avoiding unrelated tangents. When presenting results and discussions, prioritize a logical order over a chronological one. It's important not to overlook results that may contradict our conclusions, addressing them appropriately. Lastly, conclusions should always be supported by logical arguments, avoiding unsupported assertions.
Writing The Conclusion For A Research Paper
In the conclusion section provide a brief overview of both the results and discussion sections, emphasizing the significance of the findings and conveying the main messages. Offer the most general claims supported by the evidence and provide insights into future directions for the work. Avoid duplicating information from the abstract or introduction, introducing new evidence or arguments, repeating points already discussed, or overlooking any research questions outlined in the introduction.
Resources and Support

In the world of science, sharing your research findings is significant. Whether you are talking about it in person, putting up a poster, or writing it down, getting the word out is important for moving science forward and getting people talking.
A research proposal outlines the specifics of what you intend to investigate, why it’s significant, and how you plan to carry out your research. It acts as a detailed guide, providing structure and assurance as you navigate through your research endeavour.