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LED Measurement System

Lab Equipment

Product Code T2005E3
Price $2,860 ex. VAT

Rapid Results with Simple LED IVL Characterization

A long-lasting, low cost LED characterization and lifetime measurement system

Overview | Specifications | Features | Gallery | Software | In the Box | Accessories | Resources and Support

The Ossila LED Measurement System provides a low cost and complete solution for performing current-voltage-luminance (IVL or JVL) characterization of LEDs. The device holder has built-in light sensors to allow for illuminance, luminance, and white count measurements. To simplify device testing, the software will also calculate the current and power efficiency of your LED. Lifetime mode, meanwhile, measures the performance of the LED over an extended time under a constant voltage.

The system is compatible with all Ossila substrate systems, so it is easy to both fabricate and test LED devices.

Two-Year Warranty

Two-Year Warranty

Buy with confidence

Compact LED Measurement System

Compact Design

Fits in any lab

LED Measurement

LED Measurement

Complete measurement solution

Free Software

Free Software

Intuitive PC software included

Looking for the Ossila OLED Lifetime Measurement System?

The LED Measurement System replaces the OLED Lifetime Measurement System. The new device holder and upgraded software package together add support for new characterization measurements, but it is still easy to take OLED lifetime measurements with the LED Measurement System. If you are looking for a manual device, consider the Ossila Source Measure Unit.


Wavelength Range 400 nm - 750 nm
(400 nm – 1050 nm white count only)
Substrate Size 20 mm x 15 mm (0.79" x 0.59")
25 mm x 25 mm (0.98" x 0.98")
Substrate Compatibility T2005B - S211 (20 x 15 mm, PV and OLED)
T2005E - S2006 (25 mm Square, PV and OLED)
Overall Dimensions (W x H x D) 151 mm x 50 mm x 300 mm (9.94" x 1.97" x 11.81")

What is an IVL (or JVL) measurement?

IVL, or current-voltage-luminance, is the main method for electrically characterizing light emitting diodes (LEDs). In IVL measurements, the current (I or J) passing through a device and the emitted light are measured as an applied voltage (V) is swept between two points. From this measurement, multiple properties can be determined, including the luminance (L), current efficiency, and power efficiency (also known as efficacy).

Ossila LED Measurement System Wireframe
Ossila LED Measurement System Wireframe

Voltage Source Specifications

Range Accuracy Precision Resolution
±10 V ±10 mV 333 µV 170 µV

Voltage Measurement Specifications

Range Accuracy Precision Resolution
±10 V ±10 mV 50 µV 10 µV

Current Measurement Specifications

Range Accuracy Precision Resolution Burden
±200 mA ±500 µA 10 µA 1 µA <20 mV
±20 mA ±10 µA 1 µA 100 nA <20 mV
±2 mA ±1 µA 100 nA 10 nA <20 mV
±200 µA ±100 nA 10 nA 1 nA <20 mV
±20 µA ±10 nA 1 nA 0.1 nA <20 mV

Illuminance Measurement Specifications

Range Accuracy Resolution
100 klx ±10% 1.8432 lx
5000 lx ±10% 0.1152 lx
500 lx ±10% 0.0144 lx

LED Measurement System Features

Rapid characterization

Rapid Characterization

Our intuitive software (included) makes it easy to take current-voltage-luminance measurements. The system records illuminance, luminance and white count. To speed up the characterization process, the system will then calculate both the current efficiency and power efficiency of your LED.

Wide measurement range

Wide Measurement Range

The built-in Source Measure Unit is capable of delivering voltages between -10 V and +10 V, with a maximum resolution of 170 μV, measuring currents from as low as ±10 nA up to ±200 mA, and illuminance up to 100 klx.

Intuitive software

Intuitive Software

Create and save settings profiles, plot your data in real time, and export the results as a CSV file. Data is plotted in real-time as it is measured, with the ability to select which data is plotted on each y-axis. Create individual settings profiles to quickly and easily repeat your measurement or perform similar scans.

Measure device stability

Measure Device Stability

By applying a constant voltage and measuring the current, luminance, and efficiency over an extended period of time, the stability of LEDs can be tracked and analysed.

Quick and easy to use

Quick and Easy

Plug in the system, install the PC software, and you're ready to go! The Ossila LED Measurement System has been designed by research scientists to address the frustrations associated with measuring and characterizing LEDs. The intuitive interface and clean design make the system simple and easy-to-use.

Ossila LED Measurement System


The LED current-voltage-luminance measurement is controlled using intuitive and user-friendly PC software. All of the measurements can be fully customized so that you can tailor the software to your experiment.

LED IVL Software Efficiency Measurement
Efficiency measurement in the LED IVL Software

The software has two measurement tabs: characterization and lifetime. Characterization mode performs I-V measurements of LEDs while measuring the illuminance, luminance, white count, and calculating the current and power efficiencies. The lifetime mode enables you to set a constant voltage and measure the performance of the LED over an extended time.

With the PC software, you can:

  1. Perform current-voltage-luminance measurements anywhere between -10 and 10 V.
  2. Take high resolution measurements, with voltage increments as low as 1 mV.
  3. Manage the experiment more directly, with custom settle times between applying voltage and measuring current.
  4. Measure illuminance, luminance, white count, current efficiency, and power efficiency using the built-in sensors.

Data is saved to .csv (comma-separated value) files, which are formatted to be easy to read and analyse. Settings are saved along with the data, making it easier to keep a record of parameters you use for each experiment. Additionally, settings profiles can be saved for each different type, so that you can easily perform repeat measurements or use particular configurations.

Software Requirements

Operating System Windows 10 or 11 (32-bit or 64-bit)
CPU Dual Core 2 GHz
Available Hard Drive Space 121 MB
Monitor Resolution 1440 x 960
Connectivity USB 2.0
Ethernet (requires DHCP)

In the Box

  • Ossila LED Measurement System
  • USB-B cable
  • 24 VDC power adaptor
  • LED IVL Software

Accessories and Related Products

Resources and Support

OLED Testing Guide OLED Testing Guide

This guide gives you an overview of what to consider when characterizing an OLED, as well as tips for their measurement.

OLED Substrate (Pixelated Anode) System Overview OLED Substrate (Pixelated Anode) System Overview

The schematics below show the layout of the substrates along with the available deposition shadow masks. The pixelated anode substrates come with six ITO fingers which define the pixels plus an additional cathode bus-bar.


OPV and OLED Fabrication Guide

Ossila’s pre-patterned ITO substrates are used for a wide variety of teaching and research devices (both organic and inorganic) where a high-quality ITO surface is required. Fabricating devices using these substrates is designed to be quick and easy. In this guide, we demonstrate how to make standard OLEDs and OPVs.

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