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FTO Glass Substrates (Unpatterned)

Substrates and Fabrication

Product Code S2009B1
Price $338 ex. VAT

Transparent conductive metal oxide

Varied range of applications

Overview | Specifications | Resources

Change of specification: S302 and S2002S1 are now 1mm thick (from 1.1mm) and S2004S1 is now 2.1mm thick (from 2.2mm).

FTO (Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide) glass is a transparent conductive metal oxide that can be used in the fabrication of transparent electrodes for thin film photovoltaics, such as: organic photovoltaic, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, dye-sensitised solar cells, and hybrid perovskites. FTO glass also has a varied range of other applications, including touch screen displays, electromagnetic interference/radio frequency interference shielding, heated glass, anti-static coatings, and light-emitting diodes. There are several properties of FTO glass that make it suitable for the fabrication of a wide range of optoelectronic devices: these include low surface resistivity, high optical transmittance, scratch and abrasion resistant, thermally stable up to high temperatures, and inert to a wide range of chemicals.

Specifications and data files for Ossila’s range of FTO-coated glass can be seen below, along with processing guides for the etching and cleaning of the FTO coating.

Datasheet TEC FTO Substrates (available while stocks last)

Substrate TEC 8 TEC 10 TEC 15
Product Code S301 S2001S1 S302 S2002S1 S303 S2003S1 S304 S2004S1
Size 20mm x 15mm 25mm x 25mm 20mm x 15mm 25mm x 25mm 20mm x 15mm 25mm x 25mm 20mm x 15mm 25mm x 25mm
Glass Thickness 2.2 mm 1 mm 1 mm 3.2 mm 3.2 mm 2.2 mm 2.1 mm
Glass Type Soda Lime Glass
FTO Type NSG Tec 8A NSG Tec 10 NSG Tec 15
FTO Thickness 600 nm 750 nm 400 - 450 nm
FTO Quoted Sheet Resistance 6 - 9 Ω/square 11 - 13 Ω/square 12 - 14 Ω/square
FTO Measured Sheet Resistance* 6.70 ± 0.27 Ω/square 9.39 ± 0.38 Ω/square 12.46 ± 0.50 Ω/square
FTO Roughness 34.8 nm 45 nm 12.5 nm
FTO Work Function 4.4 eV - 4.7 eV
FTO Transmission 76.4% 83.4% 83.5%
Packaging Adhesive-free surface protection tape and cardboard box

*Sheet resistances measured using the Ossila Four-Point Probe System.

Currently, Ossila does not offer custom substrate sizes. We may offer additional sizes in the future based on demand. If you would like to make a suggestion, then please leave a request on our feedback page.

Transmission Spectra

Below are the transmission spectra for the different types of FTO, the graphs can be viewed full-size by clicking on the thumbnails.

TEC 8 TEC 10 TEC 15
FTO TEC 8 Transmission FTO TEC 10 Transmission FTO TEC 15 Transmission

Resources and Support

FTO Processing Guide

For etching of the FTO-coated glass, you will need the following products: TEC 8/TEC 10/TEC 15 FTO glass, etch resistant tape, Zinc Powder, Hydrochloric Acid, Cotton Buds, and Multimeter. The following is a step-by-step guide for the etching of FTO coatings. This can be downloaded as a PDF, and an additional instructional video is provided

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