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Aluminum Zinc Oxide Powder

CAS Number 952185-00-1

Inorganic Electronic Materials, Metal Oxides, Perovskite Materials

Product Code M2486A1-50g
Price $117 ex. VAT

A transparent conducting metal oxide 

used in multiple applications such as electrodes, anti-statics coating, and sensors, Al2O3:ZnO

Overview | Product Information | Related Products

Aluminum zinc oxide (CAS number 952185-00-1), widely known by its abbreviation AZO, is a conducting metal oxide. Due to its high transparency in the visible light region, aluminum zinc oxide is often used as a transparent conducting layer for solar cells, OLEDs, and displays. Compared to indium tin oxide (ITO), AZO is relatively abundant, which accelerates the development of low-cost devices.

Aluminum zinc oxide has a work function of 4.92 – 5.13 eV, depending on the doping level of aluminum. A simple structured perovskite solar cells (Au/spiro-OMeTAD/Perovskite/AZO/glass) with AZO as an electron collecting layer achieves an open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.94 V, a short-circuit current (Jsc) of 20.2 mA/cm2, a fill factor (FF) of 0.67, and an overall power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 12.6%. Aluminum zinc oxide can efficiently minimize interfacial recombination, leading to high PCE (27.2% in a lead free perovskite solar cell [ITO/ZnO/AZO/Cs2BiAgI6/V2O5/Au]).

Aluminum Zinc Oxide

Transparent conducting metal oxide

for solar cells, OLED and displays

High element abundancy

ideal for low-cost devices

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High purity

High Purity


General Information

CAS Number 952185-00-1
Chemical Formula Al2O3:ZnO
Full Name Aluminum zinc oxide
Molecular Weight 81.58 g/mol (ZnO:Al2O3 = 99:1)
Melting Point N/A
Synonyms AZO, Aluminum doped zinc oxide, Aluminum doped zinc oxide, Aluminum zinc oxide
Classification or Family Transparent conducting oxides, Anti-static coating, Electrodes, Photovoltaics

Product Details

Purity 99.9%
Particle Size ca. 30 nm
Appearance Pale yellow powder

MSDS Documentation

Aluminum zinc oxide MSDS SheetAluminum zinc oxide MSDS Sheet


  • 27.20% efficiency for lead-free double perovskite solar cell with all inorganic Cs2BiAgI6 using AZO UTL as a passivation layer, A. Mohandes et al., Mater. Adv., Accepted Manuscript (2025); DOI: 10.1039/D4MA01280A.
  • Aluminum doped zinc oxide deposited by atomic layer deposition and its applications to micro/nano devices, N. Toan et al., Sci. Rep., 11, 1204 (2021); DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-80880-3.
  • Work function of doped zinc oxide films deposited by ALD, P. Gordon et al., Journal of Materials Research, 35 (7), 756-761 (2020); DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2019.334.

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