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Hellmanex III for Critical Cleaning

Materials, Substrates and Fabrication

Product Code C141-30ml
Price $29 ex. VAT

Please note: due to shipping restrictions there is a maximum order quantity of 200 ml

Getting substrates clean is the essential starting point for fabrication of organic devices. Hellmanex III has been designed to provide exceptional cleaning of glass and quartz substrates, without damaging them or leaving a residue behind. Typically, we use 2 ml of Hellmanex III in 200 ml of hot water; and sonicate for 5 minutes before dump rinsing in water. As such, 100 ml of Hellmanex will provide cleaning for up to 50 racks of substrates.

Customers who purchase Hellmanex III frequently also buy a substrate rack and cleaning beaker.

Substrates in Hellmanex
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