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CAS Number 2047352-92-9

Materials, Non-Fullerene Acceptors

Product Code M2148A1-100mg
Price $416 ex. VAT

ITIC-DM, an ITIC derivative with higher HOMO/LUMO energy levels

Low price, high purity (≥99.0%) ITIC-DM available to buy online

Specifications | Pricing and Options | MSDS | Literature and Reviews

ITIC-DM (CAS number 2047352-92-9), a family member of ITIC, is used as an acceptor material to replace fullerene acceptors in high-performing organic solar cells (NFA-OSC). Non-fullerene acceptors like ITIC-DM offer a number of advantages over fullerene and fullerene derivatives, promising higher power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) and longer device lifetimes.

Due to the electron-donating nature of the methyl groups at the end benzene rings, ITIC-DM has higher HOMO/LUMO energy levels compared those of ITIC or ITIC-M. Extra methyl groups also have the potential to help enhance solubility and film morphology for material processing and device fabrication.

High efficient non-flullerene acceptor

High efficiency non-fullerene acceptor

with highly conjugated core

Higher HOMO/LUMO energy level

Higher HOMO/LUMO energy level

Induced by electron donating methyl groups

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High purity

High purity

>99% High purity

Chemical Structure

Chemical structure of ITIC-DM
Chemical structure of ITIC-DM, CAS number: 2047352-92-9

General Information

CAS Number 2047352-92-9
Chemical Formula C98H90N4O2S4
Purity ≥99.0% (1H NMR)
Full Name 3,9-bis(2-methylene-((3-(1,1-dicyanomethylene)-6,7-dimethyl)-indanone))-5,5,11,11-tetrakis(4-hexylphenyl)-dithieno[2,3-d:2’,3’-d’]-s-indaceno[1,2-b:5,6-b’]dithiophene
Molecular Weight 1484.05
HOMO / LUMO HOMO = -5.56 eV, LUMO = -3.93 eV [1]
Synonyms IT-2M, IT-DM
Classification / Family Non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs), organic semiconducting materials, low band-gap small molecule, small molecular acceptors (SMAs), organic photovoltaics, polymer solar cells, NF-PSCs, n-type acceptor


Batch Quantity Price
M2148A1 100 mg £320

MSDS Documentation


Literature and Reviews

  1. Energy-Level Modulation of Small-Molecule Electron Acceptors to Achieve over 12% Efficiency in Polymer Solar Cells, S. Li et al., Adv. Mater., 28, 9423–9429 (2016); DOI: 10.1002/adma.201602776.
  2. Recent Progress in Fused-Ring Based Nonfullerene Acceptors for Polymer Solar Cells, C. Cui et al., Front. Chem., 6:404 (2018); doi: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00404.
  3. New developments in non-fullerene small molecule acceptors for polymer solar cells, N. Liang et al., Mater. Chem. Front., 1, 1291 (2017); DOI: 10.1039/c6qm00247a.

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