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Product Code M2297A1-100mg
Price $520 ex. VAT

J52-Cl, more enhanced crystallinity than J52

Paired with IT-4F to achieve outstanding PCE

Specifications | Pricing and Options | MSDS | Literature and Reviews

J52-Cl (CAS number 1887136-01-7) is the chlorinated version of J52, with chlorine atoms introduced on the side chain of the polymer. It is believed that chlorination can down-shift the energy levels more effectively, modify the inter-molecular aggregation to enhance the crystallinity of polymer, and tune the surface energy for film morphology optimisation. NFA solar cell devices with an outstanding device performance PCE of 12.18% have been achieved by using J52-Cl:IT-4F blend as active layer materials with ferrocene as an additive, with the device structure: ITO/ZnO/J52-Cl:IT-4F (6 wt% Ferrocene)/MoO3/Ag [2].

Thickness (nm) VOC (V) JSC (mA cm-2) FF (%) PCE (%)
n.a. 0.836 20.39 69 12.18

Luminosyn™ J52-Cl

Luminosyn™ J52-Cl is now available.

High purity

J52-Cl is purified by Soxhlet extraction with methanol, acetone, hexane and chlorobenzene under an argon atmosphere

Batch-specific GPC data

Batch specific GPC data is always available for your thesis or publication

Large-quantity orders

Plan your experiments with confidence with polymers from the same batch

General Information

Full name Poly[[5,6-difluoro-2-(2-hexyldecyl)-2H-benzotriazole-4,7-diyl]-2,5-thiophenediyl[4,8-bis[5-(2-ethylhexyl-3-chloro)-2-thienyl]benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene-2,6-diyl]-2,5-thiophenediyl]
Synonyms J52-2Cl, PJ52-Cl
Chemical formula (C64H75Cl2F2N3S6)n
CAS number N/A
HOMO / LUMO HOMO = 5.38 eV, LUMO = 3.44 eV [1]
Soluble in Chloroform, chlorobenzene and dichlorobenzene
Recommended Processing Solvents at 10mg/ml Chloroform
Classification / Family Organic semiconducting materials, Low band-gap polymers, Organic Photovoltaics, Polymer solar cells, NF-PSCs, All-polymer solar cells (all-pscs).

Chemical Structure

J52-Cl polymer chemical structure
Chemical structure of polymer J52-Cl


Batch Quantity Price
M2297A1 100 mg £400
M2297A1 250 mg £800
M2297A1 500 mg £1400
M2297A1 1 g £2400
M2297A1 5 g / 10 g* Please enquire

*for 5 - 10 grams order quantity, the lead time is 4-6 weeks.

Batch details

Batch Mw Mn PDI Stock Info
M2297A1 150,452 49,950 3.01 In stock

MSDS Documentation

J52-Cl MSDSJ52-Cl MSDS sheet

Literature and Reviews

  1. Chlorinated Wide Bandgap Donor Polymer Enabling Annealing Free Non-fullerene Solar Cells with the Efficiency of 11.5%, Z. Liu et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 24, 6955–6962 (2018); DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b03247..
  2. Ferrocene as a highly volatile solid additive in non-fullerene organic solar cells with enhanced photovoltaic performance, L. Ye et al., Energy Environ. Sci., 13, 5117-5125 (2020); DOI: 10.1039/d0ee02426k.
  3. Benzotriazole-Based Acceptor and Donors, Coupled with Chlorination, Achieve High Voc of 1.24 V and Efficiency of 10.5% in Fullerene-Free Organic Solar Cells, A. Tang et al., Chem. Mater., 31, 11, 3941–3947 (2019); DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b05316.

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