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Product Code M2404A1-10g
Price $137 ex. VAT

Layered LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 Powder, Battery Materials

High voltage, good rate capability and cycling stability as lithium-ion battery cathode material for HEV and PHEV

Product Information | MSDS | Literature and Reviews

Lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide (NCA) cathode material, CAS number 193214-24-3, is considered one of the most promising of the next generation cathode materials that provides higher capacity than LiCoO2, especially for HEV and PHEV due to its high energy density, high thermal stability, and low toxicity.

Faster charging 193214-24-3

Faster Charging

Faster charging & High Voltage

High thermal stability Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide

High Thermal Stability

High thermal stability Battery Materials

Low toxicity 193214-24-3

Low Toxicity

Low toxicity Battery Materials

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It has been well known that carbon nanotubes, other metal or metal oxides modified lithium cathode materials can help to improve the battery capacity and durability. With a relatively larger ion radius, titanium ions could modify the oxygen lattice and change the local coordination environment of the layered lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide, resulting in decreased cation migration, better kinetic and thermodynamic properties, and improved structural stability. Ti-substituted NCA cathode exhibits impressive reversible capacity (198 mA h g-1 at 0.1 C) with considerable cycle stability under a cut-off voltage up to 4.7 V.

Product Information

CAS Number 193214-24-3
Chemical Formula LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2
Molecular Weight 183.54 g/mol
Chemical Name Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide
Synonyms NCA, LNCA
Classification / Family 2D semiconducting materials, Battery materials, Metal oxides, Cathode materials
Colour Black to grey powder

Technical Data

Product Code M2404A1
Li 7.15%
Al + Co + Ni 58.70%
Li2CO3 0.22%
LiOH 0.18%
BET 0.30 m2/g
Tap Density 2.68 m2/g
Compact Density 3.1 g/cm3
Particle Size ~13 µm
pH 11.62

Pricing Table

Product Code Weight Price
M2404A1 10 g £105
M2404A1 25 g £210
M2404A1 50 g £330
M2404A1 100 g £400

*For larger orders please email us to discuss prices.

MSDS Documents

lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide (NCA) powder MSDSLithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2) Powder MSDS Sheet

Literature and Reviews

  1. LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 cathode modified by nitroxide radical for lithium-ion battery with high capacity, M. Li et al., Mater. Today Commun., 34, 105360 (2023); DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.105360.
  2. Insight into thermal analysis kinetics of surface protected LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 cathode for safe lithium-ion batteries, Energy Stor. Mater., 49, 409-420 (2022); DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2022.04.014.
  3. Boosting Cell Performance of LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 via Surface Structure Design, J. Zheng et al., Small, 15 (50), 1904854 (2019); DOI: 10.1002/smll.201904854.

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