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Product Code M0511A9-100mg
Price $325 ex. VAT

PTAA, to substantially improve PCE of perovskite solar cells

High quality HTL and EBL semiconducting material

Overview | Specifications | MSDS | Pricing and Options | Literature and Reviews

Poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine (PTAA), CAS number 1333317-99-9, one of the family members of poly(triaryl)amine, is an excellent hole-transporting and electron-blocking semiconducting material due to its electron-rich components. It is a popular choice for perovskite solar cell devices, due to its:

  • Easy processibility
  • Good hole transport and electron blocking qualities
  • High thermal stability
  • Use in both regular and inverted devices
Ossila's PTAA was used in a high impact paper (IF 30.85)

PTAA from Ossila was used in the high-impact paper (IF 30.85), Multiply Charged Conjugated Polyelectrolytes as a Multifunctional Interlayer for Efficient and Scalable Perovskite Solar Cells, E. Jung et al., Adv. Mater., 2002333 (2020); DOI: 10.1002/adma.202002333.

PTAA Semiconducting material

Semiconducting material

High quality HTL and EBL semiconducting material

Reduced electron-hole recombination

Improve open circuit voltage

(Voc) and fill factor (FF)

High Quality PTAA for Perovskite Applications

High Quality

High quality & Electron Rich

Hole-transport layer Perovskite Applications

Hole-transport layer

improved device performance

General Information

CAS number 1333317-99-9
Chemical formula (C21H19N)n
Molecular weight Please see batch details
HOMO / LUMO HOMO 5.25 eV LUMO 2.30 eV [6]
Soluble in THF, toluene, chloroform, chlorobenzene, dichlorobenzene
Recommended Processing Solvents at 10mg/ml THF (8mg/ml)
  • Poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine
  • Poly(triarylamine)
Classification / Family Polyamines, Hole-transport layer materials, Electron-blocking layer materials, Organic semiconducting materials, Organic photovoltaics, Polymer solar cells, OLED materials

Chemical Structure

Chemical structure of Poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine
Chemical structure of Poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine

Notable Device Performances using PTAA

16.5 mA/cm2 0.997 V 72.7% 12.0% (Heo et al., 2013)
21.84 mA/cm2 1.114 73.6% 17.91% (Jeon et al., 2015)
24.7 mA/cm2 1.06 77.5% 20.2% (Yang et al., 2015)
25.7 mA/cm2 1.118 82.3% 25.0% (Li et al., 2022)

MSDS Documentation

PTAA (Perovskite) MSDSPTAA (Perovskite) MSDS sheet


Batch Quantity Price
M0511A9/A12/A13 100 mg £250
M0511A9/A12/A13 250 mg £500
M0511A9 500 mg £900
M0511A9 1 g £1500
M0511A12/A13 500 mg £950
M0511A12/A13 1 g £1800

Free worldwide shipping on qualifying orders.

Batch details

Batch* Mw Mn PDI Stock info
M0511A5 25,000 12,500 2.0 Discontinued
M0511A6 13,000 8,667 1.5 Discontinued
M0511A7 30 kDa 12.5 kDa 2.4 Discontinued
M0511A8 56 kDa 19.5 kDa 2.87 Discontinued
M0511A9 11 kDa 6.9 kDa 1.60 In Stock
M0511A12 30 kDa 15.7 kDa 1.91 Low stock
M0511A13 27 kDa 18 kDa 1.50 In Stock

*Older batch information available on request.

Literature and Reviews

  1. Efficient inorganic–organic hybrid heterojunction solar cells containing perovskite compound and polymeric hole conductors, J. Heo et al., Nat. Photonics 7, 486–491 (2013) doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.80.
  2. Compositional engineering of perovskite materials for high-performance solar cells, N. Jeon et al., Nature 517, 476–480 (2015), doi:10.1038/nature14133.
  3. High-performance photovoltaic perovskite layers fabricated through intramolecular exchange, W-S. Yang et al., Science, 348 (6240), 1234-1237 (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa9272.

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