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Push-Fit Test Board, 75 x 25 mm

Electrical Test Boards, Substrates and Fabrication

Product Code P2012A1
Price $780 ex. VAT

A test board for making electrical connections to scale-up photovoltaic substrates, without the need for electrical connection legs.

A gold coated spring-loaded push fit system is used to make connection to the ITO contacts without the need for electrical connection legs. A push-fit bracket printed to a 0.1 mm tolerance ensures the substrates are aligned properly to avoid accidental pixel cross-talk. Electrical switches enable simple control of pixel selection while a BNC connector allows for easy connection to test equipment.

Please note that while this can simplify testing and measurement (compared to using electrical connection legs and our ZIF test board), it requires the substrate sides to be wiped free of organic layers.


Designed for use with Ossila's photovoltaic scale-up substrate system (S241/S251), this test board allows for easy electrical connection and measurement.

The window in the centre allows for experiments where optical access is required from both sides. Meanwhile the M6 or 1/4" mounting holes makes mounting on a variety of optical benches and other equipment quick and simple (insulating plastic M6 bolts included).

Used for a wide variety of experiments including:

  • Photovoltaic current-voltage (IV) sweeps
  • Photovoltaic external quantum efficiency measurements
  • Photovoltaic lifetime testing
  • OLED current-voltage-light (IVL) sweeps
Features of the Push-Fit Test Board for Scale-up Substrates
Features of the Push-Fit Test Board for Scale-up Substrates
  1. BNC socket for easy connection to test equipment
  2. Push-fit bracket to easily connect and remove devices made using Ossila's standard substrates
  3. Window to allow optical access from both sides (for experiments such as pump-probe excitement with simultaneous electrical measurements)
  4. Connection switches (can use to switch all pixels to either BNC signal or ground)
  5. Oval bolt holes to accommodate either M6 bolts or 1/4" bolts for mounting on standard metric or imperial optical benches (insulating plastic M6 bolts included)

Pin Layout

The Push-Fit Test Board for Scale-up Substrates is compatible with both the Pixelated and Module versions of the ITO Glass Scale-Up PV and OLED Substrates. Connection switches 1 to 24 allow electrical connection to the PV/OLED devices (either pixels or modules). While connection switch 25 connects to the central ITO block(s), allowing for the creation of a common cathode/anode (depending on device architecture).

Connection Pin Layout of the Push-Fit Test Board for Scale-up Substrates
Connection Pin Layout of the Push-Fit Test Board for Scale-up Substrates

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