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Measurement Aperture Mask, 20 x 15 mm

Substrates and Fabrication

Product Code E521
Price $104 ex. VAT

A measurement aperture mask with electrochemically-etched holes to define the active area of a pixel during measurement and to stop indirect/scattered light when using our push-fit connection boards. Useful for OPV measurements under solar simulators or OLEDs with luminance meters. For use with our 8 Pixel OPV/OLED substrates (S211). Comes in either8-pixel or single-pixel form.

Looking for generation I (E141/2) or II (E361/2/3) aperture masks for S101 or S171 substrates?

We have discontinued our generation I and generation II substrates and masks. The replacement 8-pixel design allows you to create either eight small individual pixels or a single large pixel. Contact us for more information, technical support and advice, or for help migrating to the new system.

Mask Specifications


Apertures 8 x 2.56 mm2
Aperture tolerance ±5%
Outer dimensions 15 mm x 20 mm x 0.2 mm

measurement aperture mask measurement aperture mask

Measurement aperture mask (left). Technical drawing (right)




Aperture 40.05 mm 2
Aperture tolerance ±5%
Outer dimensions

15 mm x 20 mm x 0.2 mm

Single pixel measurement aperture mask technical drawing

Measurement aperture (left). Technical drawing (right)

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