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CAS Number 1469791-66-9

Luminosyn™ Polymers, Materials, OPV Polymers, Semiconducting Polymers

Product Code M0261A5-100mg
Price $520 ex. VAT

PTB7-Th, high purity new generation OPV donor polymer

Increased efficiency and more stable than PTB7

Specifications | Pricing and Options | MSDS | Literature and Reviews

PTB7-Th (also known as PCE10 or PBDTTT-EFT), CAS number 1469791-66-9, is one of the new generation of OPV donor polymers that could deliver on the heralded 10/10 target of 10% efficiency and 10 years lifetime. This material has already shown impressive potential with in excess of 9% efficiency reported in the literature and over 7% produced when using large area deposition processes in air with a standard architecture [1,2]. In our own labs we have achieved efficiencies of over 9%.

The advantages of PCE10 are that not only does the material lower HOMO/LUMO levels and increase the efficiencies compared to PTB7, but more significantly it is also far more stable. Early indications are that it can be handled under ambient conditions without issues, suggesting that we can look forward to measuring the long term lifetime of the devices.

Ossila's PTB7-Th was used in a high impact paper (IF 18.81)

PTB7-Th from Ossila was used in the high-impact paper (IF 18.81), Copper(I) Thiocyanate (CuSCN) Hole-Transport Layers Processed from Aqueous Precursor Solutions and Their Application in Thin-Film Transistors and Highly Efficient Organic and Organometal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, N Wijeyasinghe et al., Adv. Funct. Mater., 1701818 (2017); DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201701818.

Luminosyn™ PTB7-Th

Luminosyn™ PTB7-Th is now available.

High molecular weight and high purity

PTB7-Th is purified by Soxhlet extraction with methanol, hexane and chlorobenzene under an argon atmosphere

Batch-specific GPC data

Have confidence in what you are ordering; batch-specific GPC data for your thesis or publications

Large quantity orders

Plan your experiments with confidence with polymers from the same batch

General Information

CAS Number 1469791-66-9
Full Name Poly[4,8-bis(5-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b;4,5-b']dithiophene-2,6-diyl-alt-(4-(2-ethylhexyl)-3-fluorothieno[3,4-b]thiophene-)-2-carboxylate-2-6-diyl]
Chemical Formula (C49H57FO2S6)n
HOMO / LUMO HOMO = 5.24 eV, LUMO = 3.66 eV [1]
Optical λmax = 720 nm; λedge = 785 nm; Eg (optical) = 1.58 eV
Soluble in Chloroform, chlorobenzene, dichlorobenzene
Recommended Processing Solvents at 10mg/ml Chloroform
Synonyms PCE10, PBDTT-FTTE, PTB7-Th
Classification / Family Thienothiophene, Benzodithiophene, Heterocyclic five-membered ring, Organic semiconducting materials, Low band gap polymers, Organic Photovoltaics, Polymer Solar Cells, All-PSCs, NF-PSCs

Batch Details

Batch number MW MN PDI Stock info
M0261A5 133,198 61,416 2.17 In Stock

Chemical Structure

Chemical structure of 1469791-66-9, PCE10, PBDTTT-EFT, PTB7-Th
Chemical structure of PCE10 (PBDTTT-EFT), (C49H57FO2S6)n


PCE10 is one of the most exciting materials to have made it out of the labs in recent years and offers huge potential for more in depth research. We'll be working hard over the next few months to maximise efficiencies by optimising the device architecture, and we will provide further results as we do so. In the mean time, our current fabrication routine is below, and should you have any further questions or queries please contact us.


Batch Quantity Price
M0261A 100 mg £400
M0261A 250 mg £800
M0261A 500 mg £1300
M0261A 1 g £2400

MSDS Documentation



  1. Side Chain Selection for Designing Highly Efficient Photovoltaic Polymers with 2D-Conjugated Structure, S. Zhang et al., Macromolecules, 47, 4653-4659 (2014)
  2. Highly Efficient 2D-Conjugated Benzodithiophene-Based Photovoltaic Polymer with Linear Alkylthio Side Chain, L. Ye et al., Chemistry of Materials., 26, 3603-3605 (2014)
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